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BASIX Assessments

BASIX, also known as the Building Sustainability Index, was introduced in 2004 by the NSW Government. Its purpose, to encourage sustainable residential developments in New South Wales. Promoting the construction of resilient dwellings while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

BASIX requirements are a part of the development application process in NSW. In order to obtain approval, the consent authority, typically local council, necessitates certified evidence that the proposed development plans comply with the BASIX requirements.

These requirements are applicable to the following:
All new residential dwellings
Any alterations or additions made to existing dwellings that cost $50,000 or more
Swimming pools with a capacity of 40,000 litres or more

By implementing BASIX, homeowners can experience financial benefits. The energy-efficient designs and materials required by the BASIX certificate result in reduced energy consumption, leading to cost savings over time. The emphasis on sustainable practices ensures that the homes built under BASIX guidelines contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for NSW.